Stars Align

When Stars Align is a for-charity zine celebrating the love of Sylvain and Felix from Fire Emblem: Three houses, spanning across multiple AU's and ages!Status: Leftover Sales Closed

Stars Align

This zine is a full-color, for-charity, first kiss Sylvix anthology.It is comprised of seven writers, seven page artists, and two comic artists. It will also feature a cover by a separate artist.This zine also comes with merchandise:
two postcards and an enamel pin!
It is both a physical and digital zine. Sales have officially ended, but thank you for your interest in our project!

When Stars Align

March 27: Zine revealed!
April 1: Mods Revealed
April 11: Contributors Revealed
April - July: Creation Period
August 1: Pre-orders open
March-April 2023: Shipping Period
July-August 2023: Leftover Sales
September 2023: Final Shipping Period and charity donation

When Stars Align

Mods & Contributors

Seal@SylvainShakeHead Mod / Writer

Hi everyone! I discovered Sylvix just over a year ago and since then this ship has really set sail. I want these two kissing all the time! And what better way that having a zine for just that? If I'm not writing or talking about them, I'm daydreaming about them, usually at work.

Cha@AkhikosanadaConsult Mod / Writer

Sometimes I think about Sylvain and Felix being happy together forever and I cry.

Sunsetdawn@SunsetDawnOnTwiOrg Mod / Writer

Hi! I'm Sunset. Sylvix got me writing fanfic again, so I owe them all my thanks and all my grievances. When not writing, I like to make kombucha and talk to my cat
(who ignores me).

Cozy@CozyVaquitaWriter Mod / Writer

Hi! I'm Cozy. My daily goals are to be 1) comfy, 2) warm, and 3) small. (Also, to perceive Claude.) FE3H is one of my favorite games of all time (Claude), and Sylvain and Felix have had a vice grip on me ever since I got there paired ending. (Also, Claude.)

Arylaë@ArylaeeeArt Mod / Artist

Sylvix is what keeps me going and fuels my undying obsession with these two braincells. I will gladly sit there and watch unbaked bread rise with them. But seriously, thank you for having me. Excited to be on board!

Ann@_Cavalierious_Social Mod / Writer

Hi, I'm Ann! I'm old and a little bit gray, and Sylvix dragged me back to write after a decade-long hiatus. I am a pineapple.

Sato@satodee1Cover Artist

Sylvain's pecs enthusiast who still struggles to draw his hair after two years. I picked up drawing again because of Sylvix! They bring me so much serotonin, and my life wouldn't be the same without them.


I stopped painting for a long time, but Sylvix ignited a fire in my heart. The fever hasn't died down yet and I will continue to paint Sylvix! Thanks for letting me be a part of this wonderful project!


Hi, I'm Grace! I joined the FE:3H fandom in early 2020, immediately fell in love with Sylvain and Felix, and I've been obsessed ever since. I've been writing for most of my life, but Sylvix was the ship that finally pulled me deep into the world of fanfic. My other hobbies include running, archery, embroidery, and flower arranging! I also have two cats, Roma and Constantine, who "help" me write by walking across the keyboard while I'm using it.

Fen@fen_kiteMerch Artist

Hi, I'm Fen✨! (◕ᴗ◕✿) I'm a French game designer and hobbyist artist, and I'm like an indoor flower plant: quiet, colourful, and don't move much. Instead of sun and water, I need coffee and an unreasonable amount of Sylvix content to stay alive.

Emily@EmilyliuwhoComic Artist

I'm Emily and I love drawing and writing about Sylvain and Felix being in love :)


Hello, I'm Anam. I'm very happy to be participating in this zine! I hope you're forward to it, too!


I’m just an absurd person writing absurd stories, so it’s lucky for me that Sylvain and Felix lend themselves well to absurdity. I like situational comedy and well-timed line breaks. Most of my stories are based on something real and mortifying that happened to me at some point, probably recently.


Hi, I'm Ginger. I'm the artist whose life was ruined by Sylvix. I love the strong ponytail man and his blushy face.


felix sylvain kissy kissy go brrrrrr


Hi, I'm Luna! On one fateful night two years ago I was smashed in the face by Sylvix's Golden Deer ending after finishing the Blue Lion one, which caught me off guard and completely broke my heart. I needed to create a world where they always have each other, so I started drawing and...here I am!

Masamune@ingsevensMerch Artist

Wandering illustrator. Sylvix is the couple of destiny.

Mego@avarice017Comic Artist

I'm Mego and I like my Sylvix to be a set. Do not separate.


I am an artist who often paints Sylvix. And I like cats.

ES@timjomySpot Artist

medieval monk kinnie

When Stars Align

** FAQ's **

What can we expect from this zine?When Stars Align is a charity zine based on capturing the romance and devotion of Sylvain and Felix’s first kiss, spanning through many different times and AUs. We will feature Canon-verse, Modern AU, and Alternate AU content. Our age range spans from kid Sylvix through adulthood.Will there be applications?Because this is a closed zine, we will not be doing applications. Our writers and artists have already been selected!What is the charity?All proceeds will be donated to the Colon Cancer Coalition, in honor of Voice Actor Billy Kametz.

Zine Information

When Stars Align is both a digital and physical zine. There are seven fics, each accompanied with a fully rendered, fully colored art piece. Our fic format for this zine is a little different! We have three fics between 2-4k, two fics between 4-6k, and two fics between 6-8k.There are also two artists who provided one, 4-6 page full color comic each.Physical zine size: 7” x 9”
Page count: 132 pages
Our digital merchandise consists of one mobile and one desktop background!Our physical merchandise consists of two 4” x 6” full-color postcards, and one enamel pin!Stretch goals of one 5x7" sticker sheet, plus foil print and bookmark upgrades were reached! Thank you for your support!


For any questions, DM @SylvixFirstKiss on twitter.You can also email us: [email protected]We will post any important questions to twitter and update this FAQ as needed.

When Stars Align

Welcome to our shop info page!This zine has finished all sales. Thank you for your interest!